Friday, September 29, 2006

New Beginnings

Well, I'm not holding out much hope for being able to restore my old site. I'm working on putting the template back up, but can't seem to do the right tweaking. Maybe I'll just do something new! I also started a site at VOX, which I am completely smitten with, but it's a members-only-comment site. The blogger beta has quite a few new gadgets that let you do more stuff now, so I will probably stick with this for now. I just need to purty up my digs!

Well, it's one more week til Camp, and I couldn't be more excited. Seriously? I'm taking a lot of books. There is this perfect spot in the woods (that's it in the picture) that has benches in a circle, and if you lay down and look up, all you see is a canopy of trees, and the bluest sky. Squirrels run around, trees whisper, bears...crap, I forgot about the bears. Well, hopefully they are still finding lots of food and leaving us alone. So if anyone is looking for me, I'll be sitting with my nose in a book, wearing my favorite snuggly Notre Dame sweatshirt.

I'm having a "Hair-Do" this weekend. One of my clients has a bunch of her friends over, and she makes tons of food and margaritas, and I do everyones hair-just cuts and blow-drys. It's a lot of fun, and something I'm talking to my other clients about. Kinda like the spa party idea, but including hair. I'm also bringing some of my PMS cookies-chocolate (white AND semisweet), toffee, oatmeal and coffee in a cookie. Just a little yummy!

I'm still waiting for my treo!! I'm so excited to use it for blogging-I guess KTLA is still waiting on it from the manufacturer. It takes pictures and videos and plays music too...*sigh*~I have a book meme and a photo meme I'm working on, so I'm hoping by monday I can work on my template, or find something new...if not, I'm stuck with this one for awhile-Minimalist is just SO not me!
*Edited to add: Yay! I fixed it! Don't know how, but I did!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Can you say Koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs? That's me!

I hate you-I love you-go away-come back...

This has been the refrain going around in my head lately. I love the friends I've made blogging, I love the outlet, but it takes up too much of my brain sometimes. I know, I know, I don't really blog enough to worry about it, but I seem to drive myself crazy coming up with just a ordinary post, much less the genius that comes from the keyboards of my favorite bloggers.

So my husband tells me today that I think funny...OK...He says that I think in a stream of creative consciousness, and that sometimes I tend to talk that way, kind of wandering from topic to topic, idea to idea. Maybe that's why I have a hard time pinning down a blog in my head. I almost have to write the idea down before I'm on to the next thing. That must be why I keep notebooks. Tons of composition books with scads of lists, ideas, sketches, meaningless mish-mash. I label them "Deanna's Brain" LOL -

So I'm not gone,

PS- I lost my template (but found it cached on google, just need help re-installing), and lost my old posts...sigh

PSS-does this means he thinks I'm nuts? Well, aside from the obvious...

PSSS-The worst part about losing my old posts is I lost my comments too, and there are some people who have commented recently that I want to link to-So please, if you have commented lately, comment here or email me (domesticchicky@aol dot com) so I can add you to my blogroll.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Camp Whattaheckofaweekend Pt 2

Three weekends from now, I will be back in the mountains for Camp Getaway . Unfortunately I won't be doing pamperings this weekend, due to some wires crossing, but I will be assisting the staff and playing a role in the camp skits. This is really a great group of people, and I am SO looking forward to it. I never got to go to camp as a kid, so to find a place where women can get away from everything and just have fun, and not worry about work, or the kids, or what's for dinner, is a treat. Here, you just have to decide whether to try archery, or tye-dying, or yoga, or scrapbooking. You can also get a massage, a facial, pedicure/manicure, or do absolutely nothing at all. What you won't have to make up your mind about is having fun, making friends, and communing with nature (seriously-there's bears up there!!!). One of my favorite times this past June was waking up early (habits are hard to break)and sitting on the step of my cabin and reading, drinking coffee, and just listening to the birds, squirrels, and trees..Who knew trees could talk? My only goal this weekend is to get some sewing done. I went a little crazy with the patterns and fabric the last couple of weeks, so I figure I had better make something before I go again! Hopefully I will have pictures on Monday. That is, if my little feeling-better-so-they-are-making-up-for-lost-time hooligans let me. Little dood had a serious fever and red eyes, cough and runny nose, but he is also cutting both eyeteeth. Ouch! I would be a whiny mess too! Big Dood had a cough for a day or two, and had a high fever, but he seems to have shaken it off pretty quickly.

This was the view from our house the other night...Connor calls it "the pinks". The weather has been perfect here-to me anyway-sunny, temps in the 70's, cool nights. I am ready for fall and winter-such as it is in Southern California. But even here Fall has a definite feeling, a smell, a different look to the sky or something. Fall and spring is when I most wish to be living back East, or further north. I even miss snow!


Who is The Apronista????

My photo
Curator of awesome...creative chick, sometime blogger, Pinterest and Instagram junkie. lover of cupcakes, vintage, aprons and airstreams...I bake cupcakes that I never eat, collect makeup like a junkie, and wear pink converse and beat-up jeans with pearls. I am a mom to 2 crazy boys, a wife to the most patient man on earth, and a instigator of trouble for all my girlfriends...

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