Well, I'm not holding out much hope for being able to restore my old site. I'm working on putting the template back up, but can't seem to do the right tweaking. Maybe I'll just do something new! I also started a site at VOX, which I am completely smitten with, but it's a members-only-comment site. The blogger beta has quite a few new gadgets that let you do more stuff now, so I will probably stick with this for now. I just need to purty up my digs!
Well, it's one more week til Camp, and I couldn't be more excited. Seriously? I'm taking a lot of books. There is this perfect spot in the woods (that's it in the picture) that has benches in a circle, and if you lay down and look up, all you see is a canopy of trees, and the bluest sky. Squirrels run around, trees whisper, bears...crap, I forgot about the bears. Well, hopefully they are still finding lots of food and leaving us alone. So if anyone is looking for me, I'll be sitting with my nose in a book, wearing my favorite snuggly Notre Dame sweatshirt.
I'm having a "Hair-Do" this weekend. One of my clients has a bunch of her friends over, and she makes tons of food and margaritas, and I do everyones hair-just cuts and blow-drys. It's a lot of fun, and something I'm talking to my other clients about. Kinda like the spa party idea, but including hair. I'm also bringing some of my PMS cookies-chocolate (white AND semisweet), toffee, oatmeal and coffee in a cookie. Just a little yummy!
I'm still waiting for my treo!! I'm so excited to use it for blogging-I guess KTLA is still waiting on it from the manufacturer. It takes pictures and videos and plays music too...*sigh*~I have a book meme and a photo meme I'm working on, so I'm hoping by monday I can work on my template, or find something new...if not, I'm stuck with this one for awhile-Minimalist is just SO not me!
*Edited to add: Yay! I fixed it! Don't know how, but I did!!
I got my Treo yesterday:o) that party sounds like fun, I need a cool hairdresser like you.
Hey do
Hey, Do you know why your blog got all messed up? I just spent lots of time learning HTML and about how Blogger works and I saw somewhere how to get your posts back. But I would have to search for it again. If you could let me know how it happened I might be able to find an answer. I think I started reading about the same time they disappeared. Email me at butterflyflywithme@gmail.com if you want my help.
PS The hair/spa thing sounds great! Wish I could come!
Wow! I really want to go to that camp now! It looks great!
oh! and the hair-do party. I don't need my hair done~it just sounds like fun ;-)
I would never be able to figure that treo out.
But it looks cool.
Glad to see your blog is back up and running ... the cookies sounds scrumptious!
I'm soooo glad you got it fixed! Hooray!
whoa, i could use a cookie right now.
glad you are blogging.
Your Vox site is so cute! I have a site there, but I think I only used it for one day..
Is it just me or does that camp picture look like something out of Survivor? :)
I think I am just as excited as you about your Treo! I think about it everyday, LOL..
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