I have been a busy little chicky the last few days, sewing(squee! I got cute stuff to show you!), tending to little boys with colds, training...
Training? What's that you say?
Yep, training-I am officially a Cha-Cha guide!
But Chicky(not to be confused with Mrs Chicky or the lovely Chicky Baby), what on earth is a Cha-Cha guide?
I am so glad you asked!
Cha-Cha is a human-guided search engine. Cool, huh? Now I know all of you web-savvy ladies (and Kevin) have no use for such things, but what about Great-Aunt Martha? Can she Google? Can she Dogpile? Cha-Cha works like any other internet search engine, but it has a twist (right-different dance)
When you go to Cha-Cha, you can choose from a conventional web search, or you can choose to have a guide help you find exactly what you want. Looking for a particular recipe? A source for purple widgets? The number of languages Friends has been translated into? You will find someone to help you. Granted, most people know how to find these things, but more and more newbies to the interwebs are born everyday! So that's where I came in-another bloggy mama referred me to the site, and now I get paid little bits here and there for keeping my the search program open in the background, and answering searches when they come up. It's not a ton of money, but it WILL maintain those Disneyland passes! Or buy a pair of shoes, or...OOH! Spend some cha-ching at Fadiddle!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I'm still here!
Posted by
5:10 PM
Well aren't you just so smart!
I want to be a ChaCha guide too! :)
Do you sing "cha cha cha" while your doing it? Because I would. :)
Can anyone be a ChaCha guide? Because I am really good at Google searches.
I want to see what you've been sewing!
I was wondering where you were, missed ya!
It's pretty fun, and the $ coming in doesn't hurt one bit, huh? :)
Thanks for jumping on board, it's good to have you there!
To those wondering: Invites are closed for now, but they should be back soonish!
Very interesting! It sounds cool too! :)
Interesting! I has not heard of that.
stop making me want to send you flowers! and chocolate! and woo you by moonlight!
(on second thought, don't stop. b/c who doesn't love being wooed by moonlight? certainly not me -- and I'm serious, man, if you keep linking to my store - I'll be a-wooin', alright.)
That is awesome!
Ooh ficklechick is right. I'd totally be singing that all day.
Great idea, thanks for sharing it, yes this indeed would be good for the older crowd, of surfers!
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