Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cleanus Envy...

Have you ever seen anything so LOVELY in all of your life?????

Gah! This is a new washer made by Samsung, designed by Andre Kim-I found this on one of my new-found sites ShinyShiny. Isn't it beautiful? Also, LG is coming out with a line of Swarovski-encrusted appliances...It's enough to make a girl swoon!!!


Lisa said...

I'm going to tell Santa I've been very, very good.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what makes a girl hapy these days, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

That's me, Stephanie @ www.mesocrafty.wordpress.com

Mom O Matic said...

I would get on my knees (that's right you heard me) for new applicances.

Big Pissy said...


Who knew such beauty exsisted?

Sunshine said...

I want that so bad I'm feeling woozy.

Anonymous said...

Wow! They really do think of everything don't they? A washer with bling. Who would've thunk it?!

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless. (And that doesn't happen often!)

smizzo said...


"Swarovski-encrusted appliances"...and I'm still dreaming of a Swarovski-encrusted treo. Speaking of which, how is yours doing??

Tuesday Girl said...

All that bling is too good to keep in a laundry room!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! Andre Kim is a family friend of ours. I had no idea. I'm either going to give him a lot of shit the next time I see him or I'm going to get down and beg for one of these bad boys!

Askazombiehousewife said...

I want it :-) but would do without real gold :-) I love the way it looks.
that looks so cool


Retro Girl said...

It's gorgeous! :-)
They need to make more colored appliances, and more retro inspired ones (that are affordable...I saw a fridge I want but it's like $5000)

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh! I love it, love it, looooove it!!! Now I WANT one! Why the Hell is Hubby laughing his ass off while telling me how ugly it is?!?!?! Men...

Anonymous said...

Oh, la, la- its gorgeous! I might even take over the laundry duties, to use it. If only there was a cheaper version.

Kristin said...

THAT would motivate me to do the laundry.


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Curator of awesome...creative chick, sometime blogger, Pinterest and Instagram junkie. lover of cupcakes, vintage, aprons and airstreams...I bake cupcakes that I never eat, collect makeup like a junkie, and wear pink converse and beat-up jeans with pearls. I am a mom to 2 crazy boys, a wife to the most patient man on earth, and a instigator of trouble for all my girlfriends...

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