Thursday, February 08, 2007


If you're seeing this, it means blogger is being touchy...I have moved for the last and final, absolute ultimate time to my site at:

So come by, say hi (again), and see what my lovely friend some girl made for me...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Why didn't I think of that?

As any parent knows, stuffed animals can multiply exponentially seemingly overnight. I have no idea what to do with all these critters, but some bright person has it figured out:

See the filling? It's filled with critters!! Genius! Zip em in, plop right I just have to figure out how to make one...maybe without the portholes.

Happy Super Bowl!

You mean it's not a real holiday? Well, no matter, I am going to share with you my fool-proof, everyone-but-the-most-hard-headed-picky-eater-will-love-it party dish...

Mexican Chicken Party Dip (Ole!)

2 Cups Shredded Chicken (you can also use canned chicken, in a pinch)
1 large (jumbo! - 28 oz?) Can of refried beans (any flavor)
1 Small jar of Salsa
1 small container of sour cream
1 1lb bag of shredded cheese

You can also add onions, chili, green chiles, olives, etc, to your taste...

Mix together in a crockpot ( I use a potato masher to smush everything up), allow to heat thoroughly - about 2 hours. Serve with Tortilla chips or fritos!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Didja miss me?

It's been an interesting 10 days since my last post. We have still been struggling with the winter yuck here...I have the yuck now, but it's on its way out, thank goodness. The little dood ended up being treated for reflux, which he had in the NICU. Medication has ended the vomiting, but he still has a bit of a cough-this cold/flu has really seemed to linger with everyone this year...

I have been finishing up a couple of projects and decided to go fabric shopping for some new inspiration. I found the cutest fabrics, which will become aprons, headbands and headwraps, ipod and phone pouches, and maybe a bag or two. I am so bad at taking pictures of stuff when I finish it, but that is on my "To-do" list for the new is a peek-

Also on my to-do list is to paint the spare room/breezeway/craft room/computer room. I have yet to convince my husband of the virtues of actually putting COLOR on a wall, but he is slowly coming around...I figure if I come at him first with something like bright pink, he will certainly let me paint the room the nice color I actually want...right?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weekly weigh-in

Well, despite my best efforts, I lost 2 pounds! I have been a bad future Milf-my attempts have been half-hearted at best, and non-existent the rest of the time. The colds that have plagued us all winter have subsided, but my little one couldn't shake his cough no matter what. We finally ended up in the urgent care, where they gave him asthma type medications to help open up his airways...didn't help, and they made him throw up...a lot...which may explain my weight loss, as vomit is the one thing about being a mom that makes my stomach churn. Hella-poops, no problem...blood? Meh...just don't throw up in front of me...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's a Sunshine Day...

I am SO proud and verklempt to bring you the Grand Opening of Sunshine's Designs. Sonia places by hand Swarovski Crystals onto T-shirts and sweatshirts into any design you want! I am the proud owner of one of these shirts, and I get so many complements everytime I wear check her out, wish her luck, and get your bling on!

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

De-lurk De-lurk wherever you are!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is national de-lurking week, so if you have never commented before, please do...It's easy, fun, and it will make you look sooo cool...Comment on all your favorite bloggers!!

Why I bang my head into the wall..

Experts, teachers, books, doctors, all tell you the importance of children learning gross and fine motor of these is learning about putting in and taking out. Easy you say, but no! You read the magazines or articles, and they tell you that this toy is great or that rolling. talking, eating, blinking, light-up toy is better. So, sticking to your guns, you go with a classic-your basic no-frills, plastic Fisher Price shape sorter. Dumping out is no problem-this kid was born to dump! But putting in...hmmm. Not so much. Until one day, your little one gets into the trash and pulls out a soda cup and puts the straw in that little hole on the first try...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


You've come to the right place! I am temporarily re-directing back here for a bit for a little in a few weeks, there will be a whole new (but familiar) can't wait!

OK, back to your regularly scheduled programming...

The bad news- I hab da flu...

The good news-Did you know if you chill Nyquil it tastes like Jaegermeister?? Pass me that little plastic cup!!


Who is The Apronista????

My photo
Curator of awesome...creative chick, sometime blogger, Pinterest and Instagram junkie. lover of cupcakes, vintage, aprons and airstreams...I bake cupcakes that I never eat, collect makeup like a junkie, and wear pink converse and beat-up jeans with pearls. I am a mom to 2 crazy boys, a wife to the most patient man on earth, and a instigator of trouble for all my girlfriends...

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