Tuesday, January 09, 2007


You've come to the right place! I am temporarily re-directing domestic-chicky.com back here for a bit for a little re-organizing...so in a few weeks, there will be a whole new (but familiar) domestic-chicky.com...I can't wait!

OK, back to your regularly scheduled programming...

The bad news- I hab da flu...

The good news-Did you know if you chill Nyquil it tastes like Jaegermeister?? Pass me that little plastic cup!!


Friglet said...

What would make you think to chill NyQuil? You are domestic! lol

Askazombiehousewife said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

How funny you said WAIT! because I was just about to go to the other site : ). Feel better soon!

Mel said...

You and me both, sister. Only I chill the cherry kind... because then it almost tastes like Mountain Dew Code Red, and completely tastes like ass.
Hope you feel better soon!

Mama's Moon said...

Okay, you're total domestic-genius! Chill the NyQuil?? Who'd have thunk it???! Get better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Chillin the Nyquil? There has GOT to be a rap song in there somewhere...
Hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Put down the bottle hun! LOL! Feel better.

smizzo said...

Now, I'm thinkin' more along the lines of Nyquil/Jello shots. ;)

Anonymous said...

I thought I was lost.

I hope you're feeling better soon. The flu is no fun. :(


Who is The Apronista????

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Curator of awesome...creative chick, sometime blogger, Pinterest and Instagram junkie. lover of cupcakes, vintage, aprons and airstreams...I bake cupcakes that I never eat, collect makeup like a junkie, and wear pink converse and beat-up jeans with pearls. I am a mom to 2 crazy boys, a wife to the most patient man on earth, and a instigator of trouble for all my girlfriends...

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