Wednesday, January 10, 2007

De-lurk De-lurk wherever you are!!

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This is national de-lurking week, so if you have never commented before, please do...It's easy, fun, and it will make you look sooo cool...Comment on all your favorite bloggers!!


Anonymous said...

I just thought I'd comment...

:) Now go to my blog and comment! hahahaha

Pendullum said...

Never heard of said week... But I like to point out I am a very faithful fan of YOURS and I ALWAYS make a comment....
So here's my comment...

Anonymous said...

I've commented before but I'm delurking again to say Hi.

Anonymous said...

*Lurk* is one of my favorite words. It's just fun to say! LUUURK. hahaha

Keep On Bloggin'!

Friglet said...

What if I have commented before? Can I comment then?

If not, pretend you don't see this. ;)

smizzo said...

Psst...I'm more of a stalker than a lurker.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little late, but better late than never huh?

I also realized after I left the comment that the flu was days ago. Let me revise it and say I hope it's over now. :)

betsy said...

since you were kind enough to come comment on my blog, I thought I'd stop by and see yours. Is your flu over by now?

Your design is fabulous! And your blogger profile indicates that we have a lot in common (except of course that you are a makeup artist and stylist and I -despite my love of fashion etc- am currently the epitomy of a 'before' picture.)

I love Sephora. I never buy anything.

Oblivious Maven said...

I had to take a hiatus, but



hey & laters........

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm only half a lurker. Does that count?

Anonymous said...

Lurker de-lurking here. Hello!

Chrissie said...

Its been a while since I've commented :-) What a perfect opportunity to!

Mrs. Flinger said...

HI HI! (I'm still walking through my blogroll because, well, I'm a little slow lately.) :-)


Who is The Apronista????

My photo
Curator of awesome...creative chick, sometime blogger, Pinterest and Instagram junkie. lover of cupcakes, vintage, aprons and airstreams...I bake cupcakes that I never eat, collect makeup like a junkie, and wear pink converse and beat-up jeans with pearls. I am a mom to 2 crazy boys, a wife to the most patient man on earth, and a instigator of trouble for all my girlfriends...

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